Winter 2025 Boarding Rates
All rates are PER CALENDAR DAY regardless of drop off and pick up times. Example: Drop off anytime frame Friday and pick up any time frame Sunday = 3 days charge.
**Dogs that are kenneled together must be able to eat together**
Canine Boarding Rates
- Rates include 3-4 Group playtimes per day
- Rates DO NOT include food
**Dogs kenneled together must be able to eat together
Standard Room
(4’x6’ inside with dog door to outside 4’x8’)(Outside portion only accessed in warmer months)
Per Dog $34.00/ Day
Additional Dog – Same Kennel $31.50/ Day
The “LOFT” Premium Boarding - NEW
(Fully Furnished 900 Sq. Ft. Apartment with Fireplace and 1 on 1 Care)
Per Dog $50.00/ Day - Introductory Rate
Day Care
(Valid Mon – Thurs for Discount)(Friday-Sunday Regular Day Rate)
Must book Standard Room—Loft Daycare not available
Per Dog $28.00/ Day
Feline Boarding Rates - NEW
(Currently Limited Availability of days until remodel is completed)
Per Cat $25.00/ Day
All Rates are PER Calendar Day
regardless of drop off or pick up
Other Services and Fees
(services and fees are in addition to any boarding
or training fees and services)
Intact Male (over 1 year of age) $4.00/ Day per dog
Female in Heat $85.00/ Day per dog
Extra Care
- Insulin Shots $4.00/ Day per dog
- Additional Feedings $2.00/ Feeding per dog
- Individual Play Time $4.00/ Day
(Either asked for by owner or if
dog is aggressive to all dogs)
Fetch Session $18.50 per session
Leashed Trail Walk $18.50 per walk
**Dog must be able to obediently walk on
leash for trail walk – limited spaces available per day
Full Grooming Services Now Available with Bark and Bath Dog Day Spa
Please See Our Separate Grooming Price List on our Grooming Page
- Rates include 3-4 Group playtimes per day
- Rates DO NOT include food
**Dogs kenneled together must be able to eat together
Standard Room
(4’x6’ inside with dog door to outside 4’x8’)(Outside portion only accessed in warmer months)
Per Dog $34.00/ Day
Additional Dog – Same Kennel $31.50/ Day
The “LOFT” Premium Boarding - NEW
(Fully Furnished 900 Sq. Ft. Apartment with Fireplace and 1 on 1 Care)
Per Dog $50.00/ Day - Introductory Rate
Day Care
(Valid Mon – Thurs for Discount)(Friday-Sunday Regular Day Rate)
Must book Standard Room—Loft Daycare not available
Per Dog $28.00/ Day
Feline Boarding Rates - NEW
(Currently Limited Availability of days until remodel is completed)
Per Cat $25.00/ Day
All Rates are PER Calendar Day
regardless of drop off or pick up
Other Services and Fees
(services and fees are in addition to any boarding
or training fees and services)
Intact Male (over 1 year of age) $4.00/ Day per dog
Female in Heat $85.00/ Day per dog
Extra Care
- Insulin Shots $4.00/ Day per dog
- Additional Feedings $2.00/ Feeding per dog
- Individual Play Time $4.00/ Day
(Either asked for by owner or if
dog is aggressive to all dogs)
Fetch Session $18.50 per session
Leashed Trail Walk $18.50 per walk
**Dog must be able to obediently walk on
leash for trail walk – limited spaces available per day
Full Grooming Services Now Available with Bark and Bath Dog Day Spa
Please See Our Separate Grooming Price List on our Grooming Page
** We are CLOSED for drop off and pickups during the following days/time frames: Easter Sunday, July 4th, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve PM hours, Christmas Day, New Years Eve PM hours, and New Years Day AM hours
** Be assured we will be here for your 4 legged family members.
**This allows a little extra precious time for our staff to also spend time with their families during the holidays.
** Be assured we will be here for your 4 legged family members.
**This allows a little extra precious time for our staff to also spend time with their families during the holidays.
Cancellation Policy
I agree to pay all charges for the full reservation(s) that I have made with J&M Retrievers. If a reservation needs to be adjusted by any number of days, the reservation must be changed a minimum of 48 hours in advance to avoid being charged the original reservation rate. (Example: If the original reservation was made for Fri – Sun (3 day charge) and the client does not give a 48 hour notice that the pickup date will be Sat instead of Sun (a last min change reducing stay to a 2 day charge) the client will still be responsible for all charges from the original reservation of Fri –Sun (3 day charge)).
I agree to provide a 48 hour minimum notice of any cancellation of any reservation. I agree that if I do not provide a 48 hour minimum notice, I will be charged a fee of 75% of my reservation not to exceed $150.
I agree to provide a 48 hour minimum notice of any cancellation of any reservation. I agree that if I do not provide a 48 hour minimum notice, I will be charged a fee of 75% of my reservation not to exceed $150.